Kingsoft Spreadsheets Professional 2012 is very similar and a good alternative to Microsoft Word for users who want to try something new with lots of the same features. It will ultimately come down to preference as to which spreadsheets program you choose if you're looking for an alternative to Excel. You can use its Free online version via internet or download the paid version for using advanced features offline. This program does cost money to purchase a license key, however, which open source alternatives like LibreOffice and Open Office do not. Download Fully Editable Document Samples. The nice thing is that if you're familiar with Excel, this processor's interface will be easy to navigate since it's very similar. Get MS Excel Templates without the Need to Make One from Scratch with s Free Excel Templates. The program comes with more than 100 commonly used formulas, a multiple tab interface and the ability to encrypt your documents to ensure security. There are also some new features that were added specifically to this latest version of Kingsoft Spreadsheets Professional 2012. One looks like a pre-2007 Microsoft Excel, while the 2012 interface option is a little more colorful and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, Kingsoft Spreadsheets Professional 2012 has two different interface options for you to choose from. Kingsoft Spreadsheets Professional 2012 has all the basic features you expect in a spreadsheets application, including a calculator, graphing tools, multiple different spreadsheet template options and other tools for complex data analysis.